Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 48: Is It Seriously Only 8:30?

This morning was Jon and Kristen’s last discipleship class so they decided to bring up a topic we have all avoided since we got here: African mysticism in Christianity. It is a touchy subject because so many people here, mostly the older generation, have developed allowed myths and superstition to become a huge part of their faith. Jon said he wanted to face the issue head-on, so he did! The women in class shared what beliefs were floating around regarding bad lack, demonic powers, and omens. Jon was able to bring up many passages of Scripture dealing directly with God speaking out against witchcraft and various cursing, reminding Israel that He is the only force that can change the course of history. A couple of the women had questions (which is always the best way to learn!) and they seemed relieved to have finally been told that they don’t need to worry about people planting curses in the ground or feel afraid when they see a cockroach enter a room. God is bigger than any human words or actions!


            Adrie and I headed to the Clinic after our morning class and Biana told us she was going home early to get some rest. None of us have been feeling particularly good since the dust started settling in. We did some computer work, watched an Abba music video, and listened to the reggae Shagan was playing loudly from his desktop. There were quite a few things we needed to respond to from home so we took the rest of the morning replying to e-mails before walking to lunch.


            A man named Iyo was talking to Biana when we got there and told us that he used to be an administrator at Faith Alive before he took a medical job. It was nice to hear him catch Biana up on life for a little bit, but we were all starving once he left for the library. We devoured our lunch and decided that we were in need of a lazy day. While Jon and Kristen continued packing up their things, Biana took a nap, Adrie found CSI to help her get along in the Book, and I got caught up on my Practicum assignments. It was crazy to log all my hours over the past six weeks, we put in quite a bit of time helping out here! Adrie came in to my room after we had gotten further in our projects and we made room for some girl talk. It’s nice to have a friend here who has been a part of my life since i can remember, it makes for some great conversation and processing. We talked about things that are coming up at home, how things are going to look different once we get back to Fresno, and what we hope to do over the next few weeks.


            Dinner was quiet. Jon was falling asleep in his potatoes and the girls didn’t have the energy to start any sort of discussion topic so we just ate. We decided it was a movie night so once Jon went off to bed we headed upstairs and watched The Darjeeling Limited. I have never had a particular desire spend much time in India, but it does look like an interesting place to visit. Robert has told me horror stories about the train rides he endured there but the guys in the movie seem to do pretty well. There was no sense in trying to stay up much later after the credits rolled so at 8:30 we all sleepily said Good Night and went to bed after a good but particularly uneventful day.

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