Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 52: Well, So Far Today We’ve Done Absolutely Nothing...

Saturdays always come as a huge breath of fresh air in our sometimes chaotic schedules here. It’s nice to know that it is the one day where we allowed to have no plans and no fear of plans sneaking up on us. Don’t get me wrong, it is great to have crazy surprises during the week, but it is also necessary to get a chance to sit and do nothing.


            Since I have had the pleasure of reading real stories here (not textbooks) I was able to start the Glass Castle this morning and am already halfway through. I eat up any sort of memoir, especially bizarre ones. I just love it when people are willing to share their story. Jeanette Walls in this particular piece is reflecting on her unusual childhood of living in various desert cities while her carefree parents drove the family into poverty trying to find gold and make a career out of painting. I am always reminded how blessed I am to have grown up with the particular memories I have, with parents who didn’t expect me to start cooking my own meals at three years old or move in the middle of the night to another city to escape bill collectors.


            After a bit of reading (I woke up really early) I made myself some gluten-free pancakes and enjoyed some piece and quiet around the apartment. NEPA deserted us around eight so I took a bucket bath by lantern and finally felt like my hair was normal. With all the dust swirling around these days it is hard to feel particularly clean, even when you are only outside for a short amount of time. I took a quick nap before lunch to make up for waking up so early and wandered down for a good lunch with Adrie and Biana.


            Adrie and I took the afternoon to do some in-depth e-mailing at the Clinic. It is hard to find the time to get in touch with everyone you think about during the day simply because we only have internet access on the third floor of Faith Alive. Contacting people from the comfort of our flat is out of the question, which is where I normally remember what I need to say to people. I talked to my family for a little while, got updated on facebook, and did some browsing for travel costs at this point in time. I don’t think I will be able to afford another trip for quite some time--even if I’m just going to another part of California!


            Baba made us a nice dinner and the three of us headed back up to the flat when NEPA decided to come home. Biana found something interesting on tv while Adrie and I, like old times, cooped ourselves up in her room and drank hot cocoa while listening to music and telling stories. We decided it was a good time for a dance party so we each chose a few songs to play and sing along to. I think that should count as our physical activity for the day. I’ll go to bed with a million songs running through my head.

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