Friday, October 31, 2008

Day 58: Your Future Husband Is Waiting Downstairs!

Two people outside decided it would be a good decision to have a yelling match in the street around midnight so none of us slept incredibly well. It is so strange, a lot of the noisiest times I have experienced here have been in the middle of the night; prayer over loudspeakers, fighting, ping-pong, car alarms, it is so bizarre!


            Despite not sleeping through the whole night I woke up with a bit more energy the past two days and enjoyed the morning getting computer work done at the flat. Adrie finished entering data into the government book (can I get an Amen?!) before lunch so we were feeling good about that. Biana came to lunch and asked if I wanted to join her in a little excursion to the MCC office in Jos where she was having a meeting. I was able to go and meet Brenda, a woman who helped me prepare for this trip via e-mail, and hear more about what her family is doing here. Next week a group of MCC doctors from the US and Canada arrive to partner with Faith Alive for a little while. They have invited Adrie and myself to join in on their classes, ministry visits, and other cultural activities, which we eagerly jumped in on. It will be nice to have some more learning experiences here and spend some time with Mennonites! (I miss my friends...) Dr. Chris spent a good while in the car explaining that he had picked out a Nigerian man for me to marry. Not only was her a wonderful man, he told me, but this way I will have to come back to Jos permanently. He smiled really big. “Dr. Chris,” I told him, “what would you have done if I actually bought this?” He started to laugh and replied, “I guess I would have made a few phone calls.” He is such a joker! Apparently he brings up marriage with most young American women to see their reaction. “The last person I tried this with broke down in tears!” he informed me. Luckily my blonde roots only grow so deep!


            Back at the Clinic we caught up on e-mails and are moving closer to a final decision regarding our journey. God is making it clear what we need to do, we just need to take that peace and move forward with it. We got to sit with Dan’s son Chris for a few minutes while Dr. Ben played a cartoon with a hippo singing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” four times through on his laptop to keep the little one entertained. It was precious! Since it is Halloween back home (no one here celebrates it. And what would give them reason to?) we decided to celebrate with a trip to Tamarash for groceries and chocolate bars. Treat! Baba made a delightful dinner (suna abinchi mashed dan kali: this food is called mashed potatoes. My Hausa is getting better!) and we ended our long tiring week with a movie, some chocolate, and an early bedtime.


            I love knowing that we serve a God who knows what we can handle. All three of us made it through this week without any feelings of hatred, confusion, or depression at the end of it! God is good!

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