Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 57: Your Hausa Sounds Good. Good Trying.

The girls let me sleep in for a while knowing that having a quiet morning at the flat would help me recover from the past couple of days. I woke up at eight, made myself some breakfast, and spent the rest of the time before lunch editing my article and doing some homework. It was one of the first chances I had felt free to sit and think so I got some much-needed processing of emotions underway. It is funny how life changes so rapidly and God leaves it up to us how we handle those situations. More than anything I am just confused so I spent some time talking to God; he knows best what comes next in this great adventure.


            We met Baba outside before lunch and he walked up to us with a serious expression. “I no make lunch today, you say yesterday you didn’t want lunch today.” Adrie and I took him at his word for a second before realizing once he started laughing that, yet again, Baba was keeping our time here entertaining. He is teaching me some Hausa and I am on my way to becoming fluent. I can say How are you, I am fine, Good morning, See you tomorrow, This food was good, and Potatoes. I am desperately hoping that one morning I can go to the market and try out all my phrases!


            The Clinic was much less hectic today than it was earlier this week so everyone was much more at ease. Prayer meeting was an hour-long dance party with Jesus--singing, clapping, passing around babies that moms had to bring to work with them today. It was a great time! Nigerians really know how to worship through dance; I hope that my white-girl moves don’t hinder the fullness of my praise. When the music stopped we all went back to our respective tasks around the Clinic and I found myself back at the computer making final changes and keeping in touch with people back home. It was a relaxing afternoon and I was glad to get some needed venting off my chest and back to the proper people via cyberspace. It is particularly hard to process life when a majority of the people you need to talk to are thousands of miles away...


            Once we felt good about our daily tasks we headed back to the flat for a round of pilates, dinner, and chat on the balcony. It was especially pretty tonight since NEPA was not around and the stars were easier to see. Adrie and I enjoyed our own dance party before catching the tail-end of Bridget Jones’s Diary and heading off to bed. Things are looking better.

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