Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 62: Hot? That Place Is Goddamn Hell!

Last night was by far the worst night of sleep I have had in Nigeria. Possibly the worst night of sleep in the past year. I don’t know if I wasn’t comfortable or was too hot or because it was so loud outside but I was completely exhausted once I woke up. Luckily despite my lack of rest I was in a good mood so I enjoyed some corn flakes and walked down to the Clinic with Adrie to spend the morning with our friends in the pharmacy. We counted pills while we chatted with people wandering in and out of our workspace. Dr. Old School told us the warmest climates he had spent time in, Yazi snuck up behind us and made us jump, and Peju spoke to herself for a while when she realized she made a mistake in the registry. I met with Pastor Ben before lunch to see how I can help with the new curriculum the pastors at Faith Alive are developing for the discipleship classes. We talked for a while about what would be important to cover and how to go about doing so. That project should take up a good part of the rest of my time here!


            I ate lunch by myself today since Adrie had to get some e-mailing done before talking to Blessing and Biana was dealing with some crazy situation (as usual). By this point in the day I was ready to collapse, all energy I had mustered mentally from lack of sleep was wearing off, so I took an hour-and-a-half long nap at the flat. Adrie had Blessing over for an interview and I vaguely remember waking up for a second and seeing them peer in through my curtain to see if I was awake yet. Blessing has a really amazing story--Adrie was given her permission to share it with the people back home. Once I woke up (at 2:30) I walked back down to the Clinic for computer time; working on the curriculum and corresponding with people far away. (I even had a few extra minutes to find a good website on cheap hostels in London!) Finished with my tasks for the day I started home just as the school across the street was getting out. Because of my great timing I was able to enjoy the company of five kids in blue and white checkered uniforms and see that they made it home ok. The last child to be dropped off is our neighbor from across the street; so we said Goodbye knowing we will wave to each other in the morning.


            The afternoon was very relaxing. Adrie and I realized how dirty and calloused our feet are getting (sandals + dirt streets + broken glass everywhere = bad feet!) so we took matters into our own hands. Adrie had the brilliant idea to heat water, pour it into two buckets, and soak our feet for a while before attacking them with soap and pumice stones. Listening to Disney music helped, too. After a few minutes we had nearly normal-looking tootsies, hallelujah! Dinner, a strange movie on tv, and some chocolate ended the day on a good note.


            The days are moving faster than before!

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