Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 70: Well, We Didn’t Solve Any Of Our Problems...But It Sure Was A Good Chat!

We had a longer staff meeting this morning, but it was a great way to start the day. Dr. Kanu spoke about being a vessel for the Lord; being willing to have God fill you in whatever way he saw necessary. it was neat to hear that since Chrissy had spoke to me this past summer about the same passage and how it spoke to her. The individuals with MCC were given an opportunity to introduce themselves after some brief questions and concerns about various aspects of the hospital and the time concluded with a wedding announcement that made everyone burst into laughter. I didn’t see what was so funny about Ezekiel getting married, but apparently he already has six children and a wife who he married in a traditional service. His church is asking that anyone who has not had an official Christian “white wedding” is somehow not married in the sight of God and so many couples in his congregation are tying the knot again in order to please the which I mean their pastor.


            Adrie and I did not realize we were going to be asked to help out in the store again so we ran home to change into grungy clothes and came back to help Daniel. We spent the morning arranging medical supplies, moving boxes, and sorting through dusty papers to turn a pile of chaotic mess into a nicely arranged storeroom of supplies. Dan is constantly teasing Adrie and wanted her by his side the whole time so I was blessed to work with Musa getting things sorted out and put into proper places around the room. When we left for lunch it was nowhere near completion but we saw that we had made quite some progress. And, again, it showed on our shirts and hands.


            After lunch we all headed quickly back to the Clinic for various appointments and projects. Adrie finished her article about Blessing while Biana spoke with a couple of MCC doctors about training during their time here. Shola had asked me earlier if we could meet on his break so we found a nice spot in the waiting room to go over some Timber Mountain songs. It is really fun to be teaching another person who works with kids the songs that we use so much at camp. Last Sunday he taught his class Waves of Mercy and they loved it, so he promised to bring them some more! After belting out Spring Up Oh Wells, Take My Hand, and Pharaoh, Pharaoh for the entire Clinic to hear I was glad to see that he picked up on tunes quickly. We will have to find a less public spot to work on hand motions. Once he went back to the lab (of course, after a bit of conversation. It’s the Nigerian way!) I checked up on e-mails and headed back to the flat a bit earlier than usual. I am working on the curriculum Pastor Ben and I came up with for discipleship class and realized when I got to Faith Alive that everything I needed was left on my bed. Of course.


            Back at the flat I did a bit of work, enjoyed some mashed dan kali, and peeled an apple for dessert. Adrie, Biana, and I got comfortable in the living room and spent the next two hours having girl talk. It is so wonderful to be in a place with two women who are open to listening and giving their own stories. We talked about dating and how different relationships look here, the lack of romance in many marriages we have encountered. We discussed our personality strengths and flaws and how that plays a role in how we relate to others. From there we wandered down the trail to beach homes, decorating, friends at church, and guessing people’s ages. I love talking with these two! Realizing it was past our bedtime (almost 9:30! Night owls for sure!) we parted ways after finishing the dishes and brushing our teeth.

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